This list is what we call “typical” parts needed to install a 48IDA Weber on a Rotary engine. Pick your manifold, choke size, emulsion tubes, jets, etc. — each part is as an “active” link you can click on – goes direct to the part (except the JEGS links at the bottom)- that you can then add to your cart. The linkage pieces are ONLY for the manifold orientation with the “closer” pair of base bolts/studs TOWARD the engine.

We also like to keep it simple by using a distributor from an 81-85 RX7 (we usually have used ones available — call us), MSD6AL’s from Jegs (need 2) and MSD coils (2) also from Jegs.

When timing a Rotary you NEED a timing light that has a “Rotary” or 2-Stroke switch!! We prefer one we buy from EBAY. Do a search on our website for ES-125.

We have MANY other Weber parts all listed at Mazdatrix Weber Parts

C-WEBER-48IDACarb1These are the ones WITH the extra “progression” holes
Intake Manifold – Choose yours16493 – 13B 6-PORT 86-92*
16492 – 84-85 13B 6-PORTS*
16494 – 86-92 Turbo*
16484 – Early 13B 4-PORT
16495 – 93-95 13B Engines*
16482 – 12A
1Some have carb base gaskets, most do not.
NONE come with intake manifold gasket.
* These do not have a hole for the brake servo vacuum outlet – you need to drill and tap for a fitting.
Fuel Inlet – You Choose99301.380 – WEBER INLET FITTING for 8mm (5/16″) push on hose
30606-M12D -AN -6 TO WEBER 12MM
(For this fitting you also need:
357-12MM-STAT -Seal
Whichever Intake Gasket you needIntake Manifold Gaskets
Air Filter and Canister56-12101Chrome Canister + K&N Filter
Throttle CableFA01-41-6601Actually 81-85 12A – fits carb linkage and about any Rotary car
Shaft Lever w/pin stopMAT460-L1Special piece we have make for us (thinner to allow more thread on shaft)
Shaft Lever for Throttle Cable 444.614-041Fits the end of the 12A throttle cable and most pedals and firewall hole
Base Gasket 99005.0352Check manifold picture to see if it includes the gaskets
Stud for carb-to-manifoldAV119814Check manifold picture to see if it includes the studs
Intake Manifold to Engine Stud250-8-302 or 6Longer Stud needed for Manifold to Engine
Manifold Nut967-NUT4We really like these 8×1.25 nuts that use a 10MM wrench – easier to get to them
Float Needle and Seat (3.0)79504.3001Rotary engines need a LOT of gas – this is the largest float needle currently available
Choke / VenturiPick Your Size2We list from 36mm to 46mm
Main / Fuel JetPick Your Size2We list from .085 to .240
Air JetPick Your Size2We list from .100 to .230
Emulsion Tube614502We generally prefer the F8 — others prefer others
Heat Shield162191VERY good to have
Throttle Cable Stay444.00SS1Makes hooking the cable up MUCH easier
—Parts we buy elsewhere —
Carter Fuel Pump – low pressure – Buy from Jegs180-P4600HP
Aeromotive low pressure regulator – Buy from Jegs027-13205
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