Intake TemplateIntake Templates are available in our Tools Section. They come with the actual port shape scribed on them. You have to cut/grind the port into the template, following the scribed lines. The one pictured is for bridgeport intake.
Various Intake TemplatesThese are various intake templates we use in our porting.
Intake DykemWe prefer using Dykem Layout Fluid to allow scribing the port onto the side housing. The jars we sell (in the Tools Section) come with a brush in the cap.
Position of TemplateThe intake template is aligned over the port using the dowel pins
Scribing PortUsing a scribe, the port shape is marked on the side housing.
Port about half way roughed out.
Finished Intake PortAfter much grinding and sanding, this is an example of a finished port. The one pictured is a “street port”, using the street port template.
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