We have made many of these over many years. Easiest way to make a “custom” 2-into-1 collector to fit any of the 2-Outlet Headers we sell (made by Racing Beat). VERY easy to incorporate 2.5″, 3″ outlet tubing – or even bigger. Also VERY easy to “build in” angle / alignment changes. The one we […]
A quick history of Mazdatrix’s road racing heritage.
Downloadable Counterweight Template Counterweight Template
A common misconception of many people are the terms “Hot” spark plug, and “Cold” spark plug. The temperature rating of the plug refers to the running temperature of the physical spark plug – i.e. a “Hot” plug will retain more of the combustion heat in the plug itself, meaning not transfer the heat to the […]
This list is what we call “typical” parts needed to install a 48IDA Weber on a Rotary engine. Pick your manifold, choke size, emulsion tubes, jets, etc. — each part is as an “active” link you can click on – goes direct to the part (except the JEGS links at the bottom)- that you can […]